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One of the commonest reasons to see a Glendale plastic surgeon is for enhancement of the breasts. While each individual’s situation is unique, breast surgery boils down to making changes in size, shape or symmetry. Those are the key three components, and, if you asked anyone who had cosmetic breast surgery, she would have to […]
September 2017 Rhinoplasty refers to surgery of the nose intended to change its appearance or structure, and is commonly used interchangeably with the term “nose job.” There are different plastic surgery techniques that have been developed for use in rhinoplasty, and each procedure is, ideally, customized for a patient’s specific needs or goals. People considering […]
August 2017 For so many people, scars evoke an emotional reaction. It may be simply because of the look, or it may bring to mind a past event, often unpleasant. Scars result from any kind of cut or injury to the skin that is deep enough to cause the process of repair and healing to […]
July 2017 With an ever-increasing number of options for looking better, younger and healthier, it’s no wonder people think about having plastic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic treatments. If you are considering this for yourself, have you thought about the BEST way to go about it? In other words, aside from booking an appointment at the […]
For many years, liposuction was associated with body contouring and fat removal, and was mainly in the domain of plastic surgeons. Although the technique has been refined in some ways, fundamentally it still involves the removal of fat using small, often insignificant incisions, to reduce areas that have accumulated fat deposits. We use the term […]
Over the past couple of years, I have seen more women seeking consultation for labiaplasty than ever before. Many people have speculated as to why there is increasing interest in these procedures, and explanations include social trends toward greater hair removal in the genital region thereby exposing the area more, as well as greater societal […]
We are frequently exposed to ads for surgery purported to rejuvenate the face in seemingly remarkable ways. “In as little as one hour . . . with miraculous results . . . with no scars or down time . . . over your lunch break . . . ” and so on. Usually there are […]
With the incidence of breast cancer at nearly one in eight females, I see patients with this diagnosis almost every day in Encino and the Los Angeles, California areas. The patients that I treat are in various phases of care, ranging from newly diagnosed to survivors beyond five years. Nowadays, many are receiving chemotherapy and […]